Product Updates
January 10, 2025 (Version 6.1)
02. Fixed few issues from the previous version 6.0.
03. Improved Masav Export performance.
04. Added record limit to Customer CDR export.
September 2, 2024 (Version 6.0)
02. Improved Account Screen UI: The user interface of the account screen has been redesigned for better accessibility, making it easier to navigate and manage account options.
03. One Settings Screen: We have reorganized the settings options, consolidating related options into a single, more intuitive interface for a smoother user experience.
December 4, 2023 (Version 5.0)
02. Added integration with Vodia PBX.
03. Added integration with Magrathea.
04. Added integration with Sangoma PBX.
05. Added integration with Office 365.
06. Added option to auto-import extensions from Bicom PBXware.
07. Added a new screen to give bird eye view of your upcoming bills and billing issues > Overview.
08. Moved email settings from the company page to the Integration > Email.
09. Added a new option in the Invoice Template to show Invoice graph of previous invoices on the invoice.
10. Added new Measures of Product Quantity on invoice report.
11. When recalling payment it was changing the invoice status back to Sent. Now it will check whatever the previous status was before recalling it will revert the invoice to that status.
12. Updated condition If the Invoice status is Sent then user will not be able to regenerate the invoice. This is controlled by the setting (Invoice Status Change Flag) on the company page.
13. Added more logs in the Audit Log when making changes to the Account.
14. Added Service Name column in csv/excel export when exporting CDRs on CDR Page.
15. System will import the rate from sippy and display it on the CDR page and invoice, instead of calculating the average rate.
16. Added option for admin to view the customer panel password on the Account Edit Page.
17. Added option to view the last 4 digits of Credit Card and bank account under the Account payment method section and customer panel.
18. Added extension column in customer summary report.
January 18, 2023 (Version 4.25)
02. Added integration with Bicom PBXware Systems.
03. Added a new feature of showing the discount breakdown in the Invoice PDF.
04. Added new feature of showing SMS breakdown in Invoice PDF.
05. Added option to add or update discount on Discount Plan Page even if the discount applied.
06. Added option to add or update destination group on Destination Group Set Page even if the discount applied.
November 08, 2022 (Version 4.24)
02. Added SMS cube in the reports section.
03. Added new feature SMS discount plans.
04. Added option to rerate SMS CDRs from SMS screen.
05. Added cron job to import DIDs from PBX.
06. Added option to store Last 4 digits of the card against payment so the customer can see which card has been used for payment
July 27, 2022 (Version 4.23.1)
02. Added SMS Rate Upload and SMS Rerate.
03. Improved date filter on CDR Page.
04. Added option to pay all due balance in invoice pdf page.
05. Added option to automatic invoice export to xero in cronjob page
December 14, 2021 (Version 4.23)
01. Added integration With Vodia PBX.02. Added integration With Cardnox Payment Gateway.
03. Added cardknox refund in payment page.
04. Updated integration With Xero Oauth2.
05. Added option to add Paid Water Mark In invoice pdf.
06. Added option to delete invoice in invoice page.
07. Added option to automatically import accounts from pbx in cron job.
09. Added option to add CRM Comment on account view page.
10. Added credit card transaction fee on payment.
11. Updated neon api to Oauth2.
April 2, 2021 (Version 4.22)
01. Added SMS Billing.03. Added option to block Accounts in Vital PBX.
04. Improved 'Specify Rate' Rerating option.
05. Added option to upload Past Rates.
06. Improved CDR Page. Added option to show or hide columns.
07. Added option to Add Rates by Description under Rate Tables.
08. Added Support link next to logout to raise ticket with Neon Support.
09. Added Auto Refresh option under Tickets.
10. Added Negative Margin Alert option.
11. Added option under Analysis to highlight Negative Margins.
12. Added option under User Permissions to hide Margins from reports.
13. Improved Ticket Dashboard.
14. Added new dimensions for Vendor under Reports.
15. Added option to import extensions and DIDs from PBX and assign them as subscriptions to customer.
June 15, 2020 (Version 4.21)
01. Added Integration with FastPay.02. Added Integration with Gocardless.
03. Added Integration with Forte.
04. Added Integration with VitalPBX.
05. Added Integration with FreePBX.
06. Added Integration with Huawei.
07. Added New Feature Deal Management.
08. Added New Feature User Activity.
09. Added New Feature Payment Export to Sippy.
10. Added Extension Name, Pin Code in Reports.
11. Added option to import Vendor CDRs via FTP.
12. Added hourly widget under Analysis.
13. Added new functionality Late Fee.
14. Added new widget Usage Files under Billing > Analysis to show all files imported.
15. Improved Missing Gateway Accounts widget.
Sept 29, 2018 (Version 4.18)
01. Added Integration with Quickbook Desktop.
02. Added option to post invoices and payments to Quickbook and XERO.
03. Added Integration with Merchant Warrior.
04. Added New Invoice Format(Template 2) In InvoiceTemplate. With two columns on the first page.
05. Improved Reseller section.
06. Added option to display invoice total on invoice PDF in multi-currency.
07. Added option to Digitally Sign Invoice.
08. Added new feature "Inventory Management".
09. Added option to email disputes.
10. Added new dimensions and measures in reports.
11. Added option to Import and Export payments from PBX.
12. Added Integration with ms gateway.
13. Added option of vendor cdr re-rating.
14. Added option to create Credit Notes.
15. Added new cron job for Sippy to export Customer Rates.
16. Added new option to create and Upload rates against Time zones.
17. Added new field ‘Round Charged Amount’ against Rate Table.
18. Added new field RateN against Customer, Vendor and Rate Table rates.
19. Fixed few issues related to Tickets.
20. Added option to select Discount plans at account level.
21. Added option to set Accounts/Extensions under accounts subscriptions and specify discount plans against them.
22. Added new notification ‘Account Balance’.
23. Added ‘Account Balance Warning’ under Billing class to send reminders about account balance.
24. Added option to Block/Unblock account in PBX from Account screen.
25. Added new Retention options: Failed Calls, Tickets and Archived Rates.
26. Added option to send invoices as an attachment.
27. Added new column BillDurationMinutes,Country,CallType,Description in Usage Column of Invoice Template.
May 04 , 2018 (Version 4.17)
02. Added option to set Charge Date and Next Invoice Date against accounts. Now you can generate invoice on the specified date.
03. Added Account Exposure widget in customer panel.
04. Improved Reseller section.
05. Fixed issue with Auto Payment Capture job to list all issues against each account.
06. Added Account Name - Authentication Rule in Sippy Gateway.
07. Added new billing gateway – FTP.
08. Added option to collect CDRs from Sippy based on Setup time.
09. Added option in Reports to filter on measures.
10. Moved Upload Rates option under Rate Management. Now you can upload Vendor Rates OR Rate Tables from same page.
11. Added Integration with pele card.
12. Added option to download switch formatted rates against specific date ‘Custom Date’.
13. Added option in billing class to setup CDRs cost rounding for invoices.
14. Added option to Group by description in Rate Generator.
15. Added option to Allow comma(,) And Pipe(|) in rate upload code separator.
16. LCR List - Added group by description option.
17. LCR List - Added option to Block/unblock Vendors and view blocked vendors as well.
18. LCR list - Added option to view customer rates offered against codes and margins.
19. Added option to bulk apply rate tables to multiple customers and trunks.
20. Added option to digitally Sign Invoices.
21. Added Top Up option in customer panel.
22. Added Multilingual option for Customer Panel.
23. Added History button against vendor, customer and rate table rates which will show you full history on codes.
24. Added ‘Auto Rate Import’ option via email for both Vendor and Rate Tables.
25. Added option to upload dial codes from the upload rates page.
26. Modified QuickBook and XERO Journal postings to post based on Payment Date instead of Invoice Date.
27. Modified Avg Rate calculation in invoices for CDR format ‘Summary CDR’ to show actual rate instead of average call rate.
28. Customer Rate - Modified Rate Update options under Customer Rate. Added ‘New Offer’ and ‘Bulk New Offer’.
Jan 09, 2018 (Version 4.16)
02. Added option to Review Vendor Rates before uploading.
03. Improved Ticketing section.
04. Added option to export reports under ‘Reports’.
05. Added option to schedule reports under ‘Reports’.
06. Added new dimensions and measures under ‘Reports’.
07. Added Management Reports option under Invoice Template.
08. Added new gateway type ‘VOS5000’.
09. Added invoice period from and to placeholders under Email Templates.
10. Added Account First and Last Name placeholders under Invoice Template.
11. Added option to re run previous days summary.
Nov 20, 2017 (Version 4.15)
01. Added Integration with XERO.02. Added Integration with M2.
03. Added M2 and MOR format in ratesheet download.
04. Improved Rate Table section to show previous rate and trend (rate increase or decrease).
05. Added stats by call type ( Outbound and inbound ).
06. Added Margin under Analysis.
07. Improved Sales By Revenue chart to include unbilled amount.
08. Auto rate import from MOR.
09. Auto rate import from Loctorious.
10. Added option to convert vendor rates to base currency when uploading rates.
11. Added option to rate CDRs for selected accounts.
12. Fixed issue with new ticket creation with same subject.
13. Improved Ticket section.
14. Added option in rate generator to set rate Increase and Decrease Date.
15. Storing Logs of deleted tickets.
16. Added ‘All’ option for Vos 3.2 format.
17. Fixed ‘Country Code Not Found’ error when uploading rate sheets.
18. Added option to import accounts from ‘Sippy’.
19. Improved Prefix Translation to check prefix setup against customer/vendor trunk.
20. Added Account Manager Reports under Analysis.
21. Added Account Owner filter in Analysis .
22. Added margin and revenue measures in reporting.
Oct 5, 2017 (Version 4.14)
02. Added Integration with FideliPay.
03. Added Rate Analysis option under Rate Management.
04. Added option to Setup rules by description in Rate Generator.
05. Fixed issues in Ticket section.
06. Added Group By option in Rate Table.
07. Added Account Log.
08. Added option to delete or Edit roles.
09. Redesigned Filter Section
10. Added option to Bulk Download Invoices.
11. Added option to Skip no of header and Footer lines when uploading files.
12. Added Bulk Pickup option under Ticket.
13. Added option to Auto Add IP against Accounts if information is provided in CDRs also added Notification for Auto Add IP.
14. Added Integration with Fusion PBX.
15. Added Report module. Drag and Drop and create reports.
16. Added option under Company to setup your Customer Rate Sheet Templates.
August 22, 2017 (Version 4.13)
02. Added Auto Payment Capture for authorize(.net) and stripe.
03. Added STREAMCO Gateway Integration.
04. Added Locutorios Gateway Integration.
05. Added Movement Report in customer panel for MOR.
06. Added Barcode scanning option on OneOff Invoice.
07. Added New field under Account Service 'Details' where you can specify e.g. Location for that service or any other information.
08. Added Account Exposure column in Account Grid.
09. Added Vendors,Description and Position filter on LCR page.Now you can view upto 10 positions in LCR.
10. Added Trunk Prefix Placeholder in Ratesheet Email Template.
11. Added option to upload your own rate sheet templates.
12. Added option to skip no of header and footer lines when uploading Vendor Rate Sheets.
13. Fixed invoice period for Prepaid and Postpaid customers.
June 22, 2017 (Version 4.12)
02. Fixed issues in ticketing.
03. Added currency sign placeholder in email templates.
04. Added option to bulk update accounts.
05. Added option to import Account Ips.
06. Added Notice Board to display warnings or messages to customers in Customer Portal.
07. Added Prefix Translation rule.
08. Added option of Manually Billing customers.
09. Added option to import Payments from MOR.
10. Added Integration with SagePay(
May 23, 2017 (Version 4.11)
02. Added Invoice Paid notification under Admin -> Notifications.
03. Added Quarterly and Yearly price in subscription.
04. Added option to select Subscriptions in Estimate.
05. Improved Estimate PDF to show One off and recurring fees separately
06. Added options for Service Based billing.
07. Improved HTML editor control.
08. Improved Invoice Templates. Added option to select Usage Columns and Account Info.
09. Added new widgets under Billing -> Analysis. Profit/Loss and Account Receivable and Payable.
10. Implemented integration with MOR kolmisoft.
11. Fixed issues with logging and session time out.
12. Added Ticketing module.
13. Removed hash keys from Customer/Vendor File names.
March 02, 2017 (Version 4.09)
02. Moved Sage Export button under action on invoice page.
03. Added option to delete missing gateway accounts.
04. Added Unbilled Amount widget in customer panel.
05. Added option to select Current, Future or specific date rates when generating rate table from Rate Generator.
06. Revised Code Deck filter on LCR page.
07. Added balance brought forward in Statement Of Account.
08. Added option to re-rate CDRs based on Origination no.
09. Added Yearly option in billing cycle.
10. Added option to schedule cron jobs in seconds.
11. Improved Email Templates. (User can select From email when sending emails)
12. Fixed issue with Stripe errors.
13. Removed Unique Prefix check against Customer trunk.
Jan 17, 2017 (Version 4.08)
02. Added IP/CLI filter on account page.
03. Added Traffic by region map.
04. Added vendor hourly stats notification.
05. Added Top 10 Most Dialled Numbers, Longest Duration Calls and Most Expensive Calls under Analysis and Monitor Dashboard.
06. Added average rate per minute on cdr page and invoice.
07. Added Job Notification tick box on user page so user can switch ON and OFF job notifcations.
08. Improved filters on Rate Generator page.
09. Fixed issue with logo on forgot password page.
10. Fixed Next run time issue with Cron Jobs.
11. Added option to enter rate when re-rating CDRs.
12. Improved QoS notifications.
13. Improved Hourly Analysis chart under Analysis.
14. Added alerts widget on monitor dashboard.
Nov 11, 2016 (Version 4.07)
02. Added Accept/Reject/Comments button on Estimate so that customer can accept/reject estimate or add comments against it.
03. Added QOS alert (ACD/ASR).
04. Added Call monitoring alert (Blacklisted Destinations/Longest Calls/Expensive Calls/Calls outside business hours).
05. Added Analysis by Account under Monitor dashboard and Analysis.
06. Added Translation rule at Gateway level.
07. Added Base code deck option.
08. Added option to specify Tax1 and Tax2 in Invoices/Estimates and Additional Charges.
09. Added payments view option under Invoice log. From invoice page you can see all payments against the invoice.
10. Improved Billing dashboard.
11. Improved responsiveness.
12. Fixed Invoice No filter on Invoice and Payments page. Now you will be able to do wild card search.
13. Changed Sorting under Rate Generator -> Margin to Min Rate ASC.
14. Added option to switch ON and OFF Job notifications.
15. Fixed issue with Code Deck country update.
16. Fixed issue with Previous balance on the invoice.
17. Added Vendor Unbilled Usage and Account Exposure under Credit Control.
18. Improved Account Card.
19. Added Email Tracking and Mailbox.
20. Added Payment Reminders.
21. Added Low Balance Reminders.
Sept 06, 2016 (Version 4.06)
02 .Added ISO code to Code deck.
03. Added Billing Enable option on Accounts.
04. Added Overdue invoices filter under Invoices.
05. Added Drill down option on Analysis and Monitor dashboard.
06. Added new functionality to setup Data and File Retention.
07. Added Integration section to setup third party integrations.
08. Integration with Fresh desk.
09. Integration with MS Exchange calendar.
10. Added Recent accounts widget on CRM dashboard.
11. Added Notification option under Admin to setup email notifications.
12. Added option to setup multiple servers under Server Monitor.
13. Added new column in porta sheet ‘Discontinued’.
14. Added No against subscription under account. Subscriptions will be displayed in ‘No’ order on the invoice.
July 27, 2016 (Version 4.05)
2. Status of paid and partially paid invoices won't be changed to send when click on Send.
3. Added credit control option against account.
4. Improved Cron Job monitoring.
5. Added an option to restart failed jobs and terminate In Progress jobs.
6. Added new CRM Dashboard.
7. Fixed issue with cancel invoices, they will be excluded from total now.
8. Regenerate invoice will ignore cancel invoices.
June 29, 2016 (Version 4.04)
2. Added an option to Recall Multiple Payments
3. Added an option to Delete CDR
4. Added an option to setup charge code to prefix mapping (Dial String)
5. Resolved Concurrent Jobs Problem
6. Added grid totals on Analysis page
7. Added an option to overwrite subscription charges at account level
8. Added an option to Delete Cron job
9. Added an option to add multiple CLIs and IPs against account
10. Added Invoice Period in the grid on Invoice page
11. Added Server Monitor page under Admin
12. Revised CDR process logic to make it faster
13. Changed Generate New Invoice button on invoice page to generate all pending invoices against accounts
14. Added 'Test' mail settings button under Company to test smtp settings
15. Made phone no optional against Opportunity
16. Added an option to delete/edit tasks and notes in activity timeline against account and lead
17. Added an option to send email to user on Task Assignment or when tagged in Opportunity or Task
18. Added back 'Convert to Account' button under lead
19. Added default issue date filters on invoice page to show last 1 month invoices
20. Added Account Activity chart against account
21. Exclude Cancel invoices when re-generating invoices
22. Added CLI and CLD translation rule under CDR upload
23. Recalculate Billed Duration when re-rating cdrs depending on rates assigned
June 06, 2016 (Version 4.03)
2. Added an option to Import Accounts from Mirta/Porta/CSV/Excel
3. Added an option to import Leads
4. Added LCR policy (LCR/LCR+Prefix) option against Rate Generator and LCR
5. Added CRM module (Opportunities and Tasks)
6. Added Monitor Dashboard
7. Added Customer/Vendor Analysis by Destination,Prefix,Trunk and Gateway
8. Added Forbidden and Preference options under Vendor Rate Upload
9. Added an option to activate/deactivate multiple accounts
10. Added grid totals on Payments and CDR pages
11. Fixed issue with xls file import
12. Improved Account/Lead view section
13. improved menu icons
14. Added following menu options to Customer Panel: Monitor Dashboard,Commercials and CDR
April 21, 2016 (Version 4.02)
2. Added an option to create Themes
3. Added filter by CLI , CLD and Zero Cost under CDR
4. Added Payment date filter on Payments page.
5. Add totals in Invoice section
6. Added option to setup Quarterly and Fortnightly invoices
7. Added Payment Method ‘Direct Debit’
8. Added an option to download Current, Future and All rates
9. Added an option to download files in Excel and CSV
10. Added an option to export grids in Excel and CSV
11. Added new logic to calculate LCR and implemented same logic in Rate Generator
12. Added an option to specify which field to change in Code deck bulk edit.
13. Fixed issues with CDR re rating
14. Changed Account/Lead cards layout
15. Fixed issues with Vendor Blocking By Code under Vendor profiling
16. Fixed rate table page as it was bit slow
17. Added an option to add currency symbol against currency
18. Displaying currency symbol instead of currency name
(Version 4.01)
2. Payment Bulk Upload
3. Dashboard Report Top Pin Used
(Version 4.00)
2. Invoice Sage Export
3. Exchange Rates
4. Account Activities, Log and Reminder Email
5. Dynamic User Roles & Permissions
6. Rate Table Upload
7. Linux-Mysql Compatibility
8. CDR Upload
9. CDR Re-Rating
10. CLI Verification
11. Customer RateSheet Bulk Email
12. Bulk Email Template
(Version 3.03)
2. Invoices Send/Receive
3. Bulk Invoices Generation
4. Payments
5. Invoice Items
6. Invoice Template
7. CDR Upload
8. Summery Reports
(Version 3.02)
2. Sippy Customer CDR Download
3. Various Summary Report
4. Job Process By User
5. Cron Job Management
6. Gateway Management
7. Amazon S3 Integration
8. Quick Jump from one account to another account
9. Routing Plan added
10. More operation rates like "bulk clear" and more filter available
11. Interval in RateSheet and RateTable- default from Coddedeck
(Version 3.01)
2. Account Approval Process
3. Account Number Auto Generated
4. Currency and Time Zone For Company and Account
5. Interval added in Rate Management
(Version 3.00)
2. Rates Notification and export XLS
3. Rates Scheduling (effective / end dates)
4. A 2 Z Rate Generator
7. Vendor rate sheet import \ export .