Rate Analysis
Rate Analysis allows you to analyse and compare rates. Here you can compare multiple vendors , customers and rate tables rates side by side.
Field | Description |
Code / Description | Select Code or Description e.g. 91* , india* or * for all codes or code descriptions |
Trunk | Select a Trunk |
Code deck |
Select a code deck. All codes will be presented according to the specified code deck. Select a code deck to pull code descriptions from. |
Currency | Specify a currency. All values will be automatically converted to the specified currency depending on exchange rate setup under Exchange Rate. |
Group By |
Select a grouping option
Effective | Define the date of the rates. |
Vendor | Select Multiple Vendors for analysis |
Customer | Select Multiple Customers for analysis |
Rate Table | Select Multiple Rate Tables for analysis |
You can edit rate by clicking on Edit button and can also apply margin.