NEON is a renowned telecom process management solution designed specially to facilitate all types of telecom businesses. A wide variety of outstanding features make this comprehensive software ideal for facilitating and improving management tasks in companies. These components include billing, rate management, reporting & monitoring, CRM, various integrations, and account management

Apart from these features, its support ticket management system is so effective that it helps telecom companies improve their communication system and resolve problems quickly. There will be no need to wait days for your problem to be resolved. Users or customers who encounter an issue while using the system can create a ticket and the support staff will handle it directly.

5 Outstanding Features of NEON's Support Ticket Management System

support ticketing management system

NEON's Superb Support Ticket Management System has a long list of features. This article will nevertheless highlight some of the most cutting-edge features of this system. 

     1. Ticket Subscriptions

Ticket subscriptions are one of the outstanding features of this software. By utilizing this feature of NEON's support ticket management system, you can allow staff members to subscribe to ticket email notifications on each thread they work on. This will notify staff members about important events in their support tickets. This will prevent important support tickets events from being missed.

      2. Import Email Replies

There may be times when your staff members cannot respond due to their unavailability. The NEON ticket management system delivers the ticket notification to the staff's email once the customers create tickets. This means that both you and your staff can reply to support tickets virtually. If you reply to the email notification, your reply will be added to the ticketing system. This will ensure that none of your employees will miss an important ticket.

      3 .Ticket Priorities

Ticket priorities drive the order in which the tickets are handled and the allocation of resources for resolving tickets. Setting up priority levels correctly can drive team urgency, power automation, and get customers their answers quickly. With the NEON ticket management system, you can set up support ticket priorities easily. You can choose whether to give the customer option to escalate the ticket or leave this option for staff or automation only. When you provide your customers with priority levels, they won't have to wait longer than necessary.

      4. Custom Ticket Statuses

Your team's support process is defined by the ticket status, which is one of the most important fields on the ticket management system. You can also track the lifecycle of a ticket with the ticket status. You can position a ticket in one of four predefined statuses: Open, Pending, Resolved or Closed. If your industry requires custom ticket statuses, you can set them up in NEON's support ticket management system. Furthermore, you can update ticket statuses whenever you like.

       5. Create Groups/Departments

The purpose of groups in the support ticket management system is to group agents according to a set of common attributes. When you use NEON's ticket management system, you can assign service tasks to groups and generate group-level reports. This feature allows you to establish as many groups and departments as you wish. Each member can be associated with one group or multiple groups. Access to these groups or departments is restricted to email and/or web interface.

Other Features of NEON's Superb Support Ticket Management System

NEON's support ticket management system's other features include SLA/Escalations, Customized Business Hours, Ticket History, Canned Responses, Bulk Actions, Well Defined Replies, Keyboard Shortcuts, Universal Inbox, Email Templates, and many more. At NEON SOFT, we are focused on improving communication and, most importantly, helping turn positive interactions into lasting relationships. Get in touch with us for more details.