Account Credit

  • Created :Tue,12,2017
  • Last Updated:Thu,11,2023

How to give account a credit?

There are 2 ways to give account a credit.
1) Credit for 1 time for only 1 invoice period (Billing Cycle)
2) Credit for every invoice period (Billing Cycle)

1) Credit for 1 time for only 1 invoice period (Billing Cycle) 

-> Go to Billing->Item and click on Add New Button and create 1 item named "credit" or whatever you like and save it.

Account Credit

-> Then Edit account you want to give credit, for that go to Accounts->Edit Account.
-> Then go to Services section down in the account edit page.
-> Then you can edit any of your existing service or create new one.
Account Credit 1
-> If you add new one then click on edit service and go to Additional Charges.
-> Then click on Add New Button, select "credit" or whatever item you have created in "One of Charge" drop-down.
-> Enter Minus(-) amount in price and enter any date of your invoice period (to which you want to give credit) and save it.
Account Credit 2

2) Credit for every invoice period (Billing Cycle)

-> Go to Billing->Subscription and click on Add New Button and create subscription named "credit" or whatever you like and save it.

Account Credit 3

-> Then Edit account you want to give credit, for that go to Accounts->Edit Account.

-> Then go to Subscription section down in the account edit page.

-> Then add new Subscription, select "credit" or whatever Subscription you have created in "Subscription" drop-down enter amounts as per your billing cycle in Minus(-).

-> select Start Date and End Date from which invoice period to start and to which invoice period to end and save it.

Account Credit 4


When you choose option 2, it will effect on every billing period till End Date of subscription.
for example : if your billing cycle is monthly and you have made subscription of -1000 with End Date 31-05-2018 then it will subtract 1000 from every invoice till 31-05-2018.