Startup Guide

  • Created :Mon,12,2023
  • Last Updated:Fri,04,2024

1. Interface Basics

For the interface basics please check the link:

2. Integration

This section is for all third-party integrations. If you have to setup any integration with accounting software like Xero, Quickbook or any payment gateway like fast pay, or GOCARDLESS, then please check the link.

3. Cron Jobs

Cron Jobs are background processes running to perform various tasks e.g. Auto Invoice Generator generates invoices. 

4. Currencies

Go to Settings -> Currency and add the required currencies.

5. Company Details

Go to Company and fill in your company details and Mail settings (required for sending out emails from NEON). From version 5.0 onwards Mail settings have been moved under Integration check this link.

6. Email Template

Here you can manage your email templates.

7. Themes

If you want to white-label your NEON solution. You can set up your theme. Here you can manage multiple themes to white label NEON.

8. Services

Here you can manage your services. You can add, delete, and edit your services easily. 

9. Subscriptions

Here you can manage your subscriptions (recurring charges) which you can apply to customers 'Account Subscriptions':

10. Invoice Template

Here you can create your customized invoice templates.

11. Tax Rate

Here you can manage your taxes.

12. Late Fee

To create a Late Fee go to Billing -> Late Fee. Here you can manage Late Fees.

13. Billing Class

A Billing class is a definition of various properties (e.g. invoice terms) that can be easily applied to a large number of Accounts. Here you can manage billing classes.

14. Accounts

This section is designed to create and manage accounts. Please visit the following link for more details. 

15. Rate Management

If you are Rating CDRs in NEON then check this link 

16. CDR

Here you can view customer and vendor CDRs. 

17. Invoices

Here you can manage both customer and vendor invoices. 

18. Payments

Here you can manage your customer and vendor payments.